
Overheard in a livingroom...

I'm surfing through the cable channels since I don't have cable at home anymore. The kid I'm watching sees a listing.

Kid: Is Larry King the same as Larry the Cable Guy?

Me: No. They're not at all the same.

Kid: Well they both have Larry in their names.


Well dip me in peanut butter and call me mouse bait!

I just realized that I actually had some comments on a couple of my posts! Thanks for reading, folks.


WA state caucus

I went to my first caucus on Saturday at one of the local high schools. It was packed. I ended up becoming a delegate by default since there were only three people from my precinct and three spots available.

Out of the seven people at my table (two precincts represented), there were two Ron Pauls, two Huckabees, a Romney, a McCain, and an undecided. That falls roughly with the official results as reported this morning by the Seattle P-I. They're reporting a McCain win, with Huckabee two percent behind him, and Ron Paul three percent behind him. Only 87% of the precincts have been counted yet, so I believe there's still enough sway that anyone could take it.

On a personal note, as of today it looks like I'll be working three jobs - My IT job, babysitting a kid for a few hours a night, and delivering pizza again. We need the $$$, but that's a lot of work. At least the cars are running.

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