
A year has (nearly) gone by.

I can't believe that I haven't posted since last year. Lots of busy-ness, not a lot of money or time to do stuff I need and want to do.

I'll go the standard new blogger route for my first post this year and hit on a few other postings:

Jim Rawles
is suggesting saving your nickels: http://www.survivalblog.com/2007/11/mass_inflation_aheadsave_your.html . As always, make sure you have your other stuff taken care of before fretting too much about barter and investments.

James Dakin
says not to use a laptop as a frugal computer / survival computer, citing the usual arguments of "expensive," "fragile," and "hard to fix." I agree with him to a certain extent, although most of those complaints can be overcome. See my comment on his blog regarding the Wal-Mart $200 PC. http://bisonsurvivalblog.blogspot.com/2007/11/off-grid-computing.html

Slashdot has an article about the new Amazon Kindle eBook reader. Sounds great in principle, except it's crazy expensive and has DRM. http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/191413115/article.pl